- Kyrish Extreme Duty Off Road Packages
- Military Grade Super Single Wheel Conversions
- Available in Aluminum or Poly Body
- Hale, Waterous, and Darley Pumps
- Direct Injection and Around-The-Pump Foam Systems
- All Stainless Waterway Plumbing and High Pressure Flexible Couplings and Fittings
- Whelen Lighting and CenCom Package
- Reverse camera standard on each apparatus
- Many other options and configurations available
Washburn VFD
- 2015 International 7300 4×4, 33,000 GVWR, 30 HP, Allison 3500EVS Transmission.
- UPF Poly body with integrated compartments, 1,000 gallon water tank, and 20 gallon foam cell.
- Darley LSP 750 pump and FoamPro 1601 in custom module with crosslays and deck gun.
- Custom front bumper housing an Akron 3462 remote forestry monitor and two ground sweep nozzles.